Added in ACE3 v3.19.0

Missile CLGP Framework

1. Overview

CLGP allows firing submunition shells that will deploy into missiles that can use the Missile Guidance framework.

2. Config Values

2.1 Example Config

class CfgAmmo {
    class x_submunition: SubmunitionBase { // this ammo can be fired normally
        ace_missile_clgp_deployCondition = "your_fnc"; // function that returns true when it should be triggered
        ace_missile_clgp_artilleryDrag = 1;
        submunitionAmmo = "x_missle";
        class Eventhandlers {
            fired = "call ace_missile_clgp_fnc_submunition_ammoFired"; // need to add the EH yourself to all ammos

    class x_missle: MissileBase {
        class ace_missileguidance {
            enabled = 2;
            // rest of normal ace missile guidance config

2.2 Configs


  • A function that will trigger the ammo when returning true, passed [_projectile, _guidanceArgs]
  • Is optional, can just use normal submuntion triggers


  • Optional (Leave undefined (or set to -1) to ignore)
  • Used as a coefficient on drag from ace_artilleryTables’s advancedCorrections
  • Value of 0 is valid and will not apply drag but still keep nose pointed correctly (for unpowered missiles)

3. Note on adding magazines via mission

if (local turretLocal [0]) then {
    this addMagazineTurret ["ace_1rnd_155mm_m712", [0]];