Moved to ACE3 in v3.14.0 (originally added in ACEX v3.4.0)

Field Rations Framework

Component may use acex prefix in certain variables, events and class names for backwards compatibility!

1. Config Values

1.1 Consumable Items

Config Name Type Description
acex_field_rations_thirstQuenched Number Amount of thirst quenched when item is consumed*
acex_field_rations_hungerSatiated Number Amount of hunger satiated when item is consumed*
acex_field_rations_consumeTime Number Time required to consume the item (in seconds)
acex_field_rations_consumeText String Progress bar text (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_consumeAnims Array Animations to play when consuming item** (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_consumeSounds Array Sounds to play when consuming item** (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_replacementItem String Class name of replacement item to add on consumption (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_refillItem String Makes an item refillable, class name of item added when refilled (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_refillAmount Number Amount of water required to refill item (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_refillTime Number Time required to refill item (in seconds) (OPTIONAL)
ACE_isFieldRationItem Number Force adds the item to the ACE Field Rations category in ACE Arsenal (OPTIONAL)

* Value range is 0 to 100 and can be modified by the corresponding coefficient setting.

** Array is in format: STAND, CROUCH, PRONE. If player is in vehicle, the first element is used.

1.2 Water Sources

Config Name Type Description
acex_field_rations_waterSupply Number Amount of water inside the object (-1 - disabled, -10 - infinite) (OPTIONAL)
acex_field_rations_offset Array Refill action offset relative to model (OPTIONAL)

2. Events

Event Name Passed Parameter(s) Locality Description
acex_rationConsumed [_player, _consumeItem, _replacementItem, _thirstQuenched, _hungerSatiated, _isMagazine] Local Item consumed
acex_rationRefilled [_source, _player, _item, _refillItem, _refillAmount, _isMagazine] Local Item refilled

3. Scripting

3.1 Getting water supply


* Returns the remaining water in a source.
* Arguments:
* 0: Water source <OBJECT>
* Return Value:
* Remaining water <NUMBER>
* Example:
* [_source] call ace_field_rations_fnc_getRemainingWater

3.2 Setting water supply


* Sets the remaining water supply for given water source.
* Arguments:
* 0: Water source <OBJECT>
* 1: Amount (-10 - Infinite, -1 - Disabled) <NUMBER>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [_source, 1000] call ace_field_rations_fnc_setRemainingWater

3.3 Adding a status modifier


* Adds a status modifier. Should be called on all machines.
* Code must return a NUMBER which will be applied additively with other status changes.
* Arguments:
* 0: Status to modify (0 - Thirst, 1 - Hunger, 2 - Both) <NUMBER>
* 1: Code (is passed the unit <OBJECT>) <CODE>
* Return Value:
* None
* Example:
* [0, {random 1}] call ace_field_rations_fnc_addStatusModifier